A Republican super PAC is refusing the demand from President Obama’s attorneys to take down an ad featuring his image.
The pro-Trump group maintains that the TV ad, which has been airing in South Carolina, ”is a lawful expression of political speech.”
“CDP will not only refuse to take ‘Enough Empty Promises’ down but will distribute this advertisement to an additional 50,000 South Carolina Democratic primary voters,” the Committee to Defend the President wrote in a letter responding to Obama’s cease-and-desist letter.
Law firm Perkins Coie sent the letter to the group last week after an ad featuring excerpts from Obama’s 1995 memoir “Dreams from My Father” began airing in the early primary state.
The ad makes it appear that Obama is criticizing his former vice president, Joe Biden, by taking excerpts out of context. In the cease-and-desist letter sent to the super PAC, Obama’s attorneys warned that the ad consisted of “unauthorized use” of Obama’s “name, image, likeness, voice and book passage.”
Biden decisively won the Palmetto State on Saturday, scoring his first major victory of the Democratic primary.
Read the Committee to Defend the President’s response to Obama below.